Violently Happy YAMAGUCHI Shinji pg 0 Our Happiness A mock wholesome book For the exclusive use of Kenshin X Kaoru fans By Yamaguchi Shinji pg 1 Uwaaaa! Someone stop me! pg 2 *chirin* *chime* Kaoru: What a nice breeze... pg 3 Kenshin: Mm... Kaoru: Hey *su* *gentle touch* *piku* *twitch* Kenshin: Mm. Kaoru: Shouldn't you wake up soon...? pg 4 Kenshin: Mmm..... *gyuu* *squeeze* Kaoru: Whaaat? : You look like a child. : *kusu* *giggle* A spoiled child... *fuwa* *yawn* pg 5 Kenshin: Mm... *sawa sawa* *grope grope* *pikun* *start* Kaoru: N-! Author: I TOLD you it wouldn't be wholesome! Kaoru: GEEZ! *bashi* *whap* : /Why'd you have to be a pervert?/ : A CHILD WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! Kenshin: Oro. pg 6 Kaoru: He~y *ba* *grab* : Kenshin! *gui* *lean* Kaoru: Eh? *gu gu* *shove shove* : Wait. : You.... *uhhh* pg 7 *DO* *thump* Kaoru: Geez~ pg 8 ?: You're not going to move? ?: No... ?: It feels good.... pg 9 Kaoru: Ne... : Kenshin... : Today.... pg 10 Kaoru: I'll hold you, okay? pg 11 *chirin* *chime* Kenshin: Mm... pg 12 Somehow, I think the name came to me during the first ten days of October... when I was relaxing at work... I wanted to try drawing an original work that took us back to the past, Where Kenshin has a bit of the Battousai in him, but there isn't any sex!! That kind of thing. In other words, I made a manga with happiness, happiness, and more happiness *heart*. Back then. And one more thing that you might not have noticed: "For the exclusive use of Kenshin X Kaoru fans". (The "our" in "Our Happiness" is me and the people reading this... So, sorry for my selfishness.) Lately, my original work has been what you'd call dark, a heavy atmosphere -- I didn't want to draw something with a tranquil spirit. (Something I'm being pestered for. *laugh*) "Definitely have it come out in the Winter Comics!" eagerness and other things have encouraged me to try my hardest. That's right, at the start of the Jinchuu Arc .... Kenshin was encouraging Yahiko's training or such, I was so happy I could have cried. Wuuh. Ah, and of course Kenshin sweetly saying "Ittrashai", Sano making himself a protective shell with such satisfaction... those were great too! Ahh, I really do wish I could be Sanosuke! Would that be OK? (<- Who am I talking to, I wonder?) Well, I wonder how that "peaceful happiness" which I'll be unfolding soon will compare to the production of "misfortune"....? Ahh, when I think like that I realize that I've come to the point where I can't tell the diference between hapiness and misery...! By the way, this manga is brief with a mellow-love atmosphere, but I'll be delighted if I get any reaction to it. Because this is preparation for the next. (laugh) YAMAGUCHI Shinji P.S. I'm humbly greatful for the collaboration of Togawa-san of Kanbi! Though I'm a bit worried that we overdid it at the family christmas.... Uhh uhh. (Sobs) Kaoru - What? What? Is something wrong with me? Kenshin - No, it's nothing. Last scrawl: Wow-- This year's last WJ (Weekly Jump) was a nose-bleeder, huh? All over. [ie- Lots of violence, or lots of things to make you think dirty thoughts.] pg 13 Top Left: Sorry for cutting it off here. I really am an idiot, aren't I? Sorry I'm an idiot!! In the center: A Pure, Healthy Love [the arrow is pointing to "healthy"] Kenshin <3 Kaoru Top Right: Will this really be released, I wonder....? But RuroKen is really in demand... It's RuroKen, so.... --- May is the scheduled month for distribution of books. I'll be participating as part of the circle "Chiya". For some reason, it looks like I won't be Yamaguchi Shinji. What's the reasoning behind that? (laugh) Stick Guy [his hat says "Yama", and is a pun on part of his name, as 'yama' means 'mountain' in Japanese]: Hm... So I'm not a perv...? Probably. --- Next one is coming out in decent time, so definitely read it for me! The truth is, it's almost done. All that's left is to draw it. (That's "finished", right?) The book is a pukingly-sweet, mellow-love, wholesome love en-route to healthiness. Healthiness... is the only think I'm stumbling over. Really. After so long a time, the Kyoto Arc... after the mortal combat... at the Shirobeko.... and ... the....? That's the kind of story I wanted to draw, and have made. It's not much of a story... (laughs) pg 14 stick-Yama: Ahhhh~ I can't stop the crazy ideas~! arrow: Left and right is inverted. Colophon Oretachi no Shiawase - Violently Happy - 1997.12.28 (Released) Author: Yamaguchi Shinji Publishing House: Yamaguchi Shinji Printer: KANBI Price: 100 yen Contact: C/O Shinji Yamaguchi Yayoi 6-1-6-504 Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka-ken 816-0862 pg 15 Kaoru: You can't kiss me now!! Kenshin: Oro? Why? I think everything up to a kiss is wholesome. arrow: Before that point, When I was drawing I thought everything might be unwholesome. (laughs) YAMAGUCHI SHINJI 1997