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|| やまぐち楼 ||
Yamaguchirow (Yamaguchi Shinji)

Web Site: Yamaguchirow

Rurouni Kenshin (Kenshin/Kaoru)

Why I like 'em
His sweet K/K stuff is just too lovely. I branched out into hentai for this man, since other than the one series, all of his stuff is hard-core. I have much more than I anticipated, because the guy working his table was really persuasive. (^^;)

He talks too much (in writing). Seriously. I refuse to translate it anymore. While I was waiting in his line at Summer Comi his people were handing out leaflets of blather!

Books I've Got
「兇剣 肆」
「兇剣 伍・上巻」
「兇剣 伍・下巻」

Books I'm On the Prowl For
I'd like to get my hands on copies of his "Violently Happy" Series.