Note: This is really rough; it's the info as I sent it to the Shoujo Magic crew being the lazy ass that I am. They cleaned it up and made it understandable for the rest of the world. >.< Shoujo Magic: Translated Treasures: ---------------------------------------- Get Chu by Ayane Ukyou Author's Comments When I was first thinking of the title for "Get Chu *heart*", I wanted to somehow use a *heart*. My boss's daughter had a nice idea, and this cheerfully embarrassing title is the result (laughs). To make matters worse, the third chapter of my serial had already been scheduled. And that serial was soon supposed to be up to chapter seven. Yikes, I was really busy at that time. A lot was starting. (Ayane UKYOU) Shorts: "The Curse of the Black Cat" frame1: I have an acquaintance who is a mangaka working at the Black Cat business office. Friend: "Lunch time~" Once when she was by the road... frame2: Trucker: "I'm glad you're here. There's a package!" Friend: "Um, you're just giving it to me here..." frame3: Someone she went to high school with was working in the office. Schoolfriend: "It's been awhile! How are you?" Friend: Yo. *keeping it short* Schoolfriend: "You're having trouble, hm?" frame4: Schoolfriend: Keep fighting to be a mangaka! *Fight!* She's been a mangaka for a while now... ______________________________________________ "I was ['was' is crossed out] am an idiot" frame1: For example my high school classmates will tell you that the girl who used to pick her nose while watching tv is still the same me. _"As I thought, he didn't have an accomplice to help him out-"_ frame2: The High school Age should have been a time of young grasses growing fragrant and vibrant. sign: DIFFERENT POINTS 1 Hair style 2 Weight (a bit) 3 Address I didn't get much out of high school. frame3: Naturally, my school grades were also awful. _"Incidentally, I went to the same high school as Kusunoki Katsura-sensei. (Jiman)"_ "? By the way, I haven't gotten back the math answer sheet." _Just me??_ frame4: No, because your grade was so bad. You poor thing! *hahaha* How was I able to graduate? _____________________________________________ Get Chu Get a Kiss Pg 1 Suzuki: I love you, Machiko! Machiko: Suzuki-kun... Chitose: /Nice~~/ : /I wish someone would say "I love you" with such feeling to me.../ *whack* Pg 2 Teacher: That's an interesting reference book *bop bop* Chitose: Tehe. Teacher: ... to be studying before a test~~~ : Hm? Aizawa-san? Chitose: /Why am I the one who always gets caught?/ : /Painful reality.../ comic book: spine says: Tulip cover says: cleverly illustrated & illustrated Chitose: /When you get to high school you find a great guy and fall in love./ Pg 3 Chitose: /That's what I thought, but.../ : /---They must be 2nd years (juniors).../ : /Good-looking people who stand out from the crowd./ : /Somehow they don't seem to belong in my world./ Pg 4 Chitose: /People like that must have a love like this./ *posed on the prow of the ship* *that kind of mood* Yamato: Watch out! *impact/smash* *falling* Chitose: Oww~~ : A... A ball!? Yamato: Are you OK!? Pg 5 Yamato: You're hurt? : It hit your face? Let me see! *heart beat* Pg 6 Chitose: Uwah...! : What pretty hair! Yamato: Move your hands out of the way. Does it hurt? Chitose:! Not at all! : I'm fine... *drip* Chitose: Gyaa-- : My nose is bleeding! Yamato: Tilt your head up! : A tissue! A tissue!! Voice1 (guy): I don't have one! Voice2 (girl): I have one! Pg 7 Chitose: /Oh no!/ *clutch* Chitose: How embarrassing---! *snatch* *spin* *smile* Chitose: I'm fine! I packed this tissue in and it stopped the bleeding! *snort* *shake shake shake shake shake* Pg 8 Girl: Gyahahahaha! This girl is interesting! _she's funny~~ She's cute~~_ Chitose: Eh? *shake shake* Chitose: Eh? Boy: Aha! Aha! She looks like a grade schooler whose stuck a tissue up her nose!! Yamato: She even got us laughing! Boy: You're the one laughing hardest!! Chitose: I did something that made them laugh? : He's laughing. He's REALLY laughing. Teacher: YOU ALL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS?! *frozen* Pg 9 Teacher: Shoji-kun! It's you again!? What about class?! Yamato: We have soccer self-study. *heart* Teacher: A clear lie! Wait! Yamato: Oh no! *heart* Chitose: Shoji... : That's his name... *gasp* Pg 10 Chitose: I think... he's amazing. Tomo: Are you alright, Chitose? Chitose: I'm not okay. *welling* Tomo: Oh yeah, and you have another punishment-- a 10 page report on proletarian literature. _Wow._ *whine* Chitose: Please help me, Tomo-chan! Tomo: Eh? No way. I have a date with my boyfriend. *heart* : _bye bye!_ Chitose: /Girl friends are so.../ *sigh* : A 10 page report. Due by the end of the day... : /There's no way.../ Pg 11 Chitose: Wah! Yamato: Oh, I found you! I'm glad we met up. Are you going home now? Chitose: /Shoji-san!!/ Chitose: Y...yes! : Ah, no. I'm going to write a report in the library... Yamato: Oh! : The 10 page report on proletarian literature. And it's due today!! Chitose: /What? Huh?/ Yamato: _hahaha_ I got the same punishment from that teacher when I was a 1st year (sophomore). Chitose: /Did he come to meet me?!/ *crammed* Chitose: Wh-what's everyone doing here?! Pg 12 *smile* *gulp* *gyaaaaa!* Yamato: Well, shall we go? Chitose: Uh, uh. : /What?/ : Wh-wh-wh-where are we going? : /What?/ Yamato: To do something nice. *heart* Chitose: /Something nice!?/ Sign: Library *thud* Pg 13 Yamato: The punishment is my fault, right? I'll help. *wobbling* Chitose: /By 'something nice' he meant write a report~~~?/ Yamato: What's your name? Chitose: I'm... Chitose Aikawa. Yamato: I'm Yamato Shoji. Yamato is fine. Does your nose still hurt? Yamato: I didn't apologize properly before. I'm sorry, Chitose. Chitose: /Yamato...san.../ *heart beat* *whisper whisper whisper* Chitose: Y...Yamato-san! Pg 14 Chitose: It seems like everyone else is watching everything we do! Yamato: Oh, it's fine. As long as we leave them alone. *whisper whisper whisper* Chitose: Why are they staring...? Yamato: Who knows? Chitose: /It's probably because it's strange for Yamato-san to be with someone like me.../ Girl: _Ooooh!_ Yamato-sempai~~ : Thanks for before! *heart* Yamato: Sure. *kya* Girl: And my friend wanted to ask you for a favor too. Chitose: /Nice. Girls like that can get much closer to him./ Girl: I said I'd splurge and pay the fee this time- Chitose: /In a manga girls like this get turned down and he does something along the lines of getting attached to the unserene/unskilled (uncool?) girl. [bubble: like me!]/ Yamato: I'm sorry, but... : I'm busy right now, so maybe you can come again later? Pg 15 *smile* Yamato: Right now this girl is my priority. Chitose: /Priority.../ Girl: _Man, guess it can't be helped-._ girl2: Later, sempai. *heart* Chitose: ---Yamato-san. : /Me?/ : Why are you being so nice to someone like me? Yamato: Why do you say "someone like me"? Pg 17 *set down* Chitose: Because... *grab* Yamato: Don't make a face like that! Chitose: /Wah! Wah!/ *stretch* Yamato: Isn't it a smiling mouth that brings good fortune? : Girls who smile are definitely cuter! *thumping of heart* Pg 18 Chitose: /I thought I would find a great guy and fall in love when I entered high school./ *thump thump* : /I've found him at last./ : --Okay! : /Yamato-san.../ Yamato: Done!! Pg 19 Yamato: Let's get out of here quickly and go home. *uuh* Chitose: Thank you so much! Yamato: No prob. *rattle (of the door)* Yamato: Geez! It's dark! _They shouldn't have turned them off!_ : Be careful. The stairs start here. Chitose: Okay. *slip* Chitose: GYA! Yamato: Ah! Chitose: /Kyaaaaa!/ Yamato: That was sudden... Pg 20 Yamato: ...S really dangerous. Chitose: /I can hear it./ *thump thump thump* Chitose: I'm sorry... : I'm always being told I'm careless... : /I can hear his heart beating./ Yamato: I'll lead you, since it's dangerous. Chitose: /His heart was beating too./ : /It would be nice if it were for the same reason./ Pg 21 Chitose: /If it were beating for the same reason mine is--.../ Sign: 1st year class 5 Tomo: Eh?! Wow. Yamato-sempai helped you with your report? Chitose: I had so much fun! *heart* Tomo: _'Fun' you say..._ : ...Have you fallen in love? Chitose: YEP! Pg 22 Chitose: _Kyaa! No. Um. that is._ *bluuuuush* Tomo: ...Hey. Come to your senses. I've heard he's no good. : Rumor has it he and his group will go on dates for money! Chitose: That's a lie! Yamato-sempai is a good person! : He said I was his priority... Girl: Thanks for before! : I said I'd splurge and pay the fee this time- Chitose: /It couldn't be.../ : /Could that have been...?/ Pg 23 Chitose: /And if it was?/ : /If that's what he did for them?/ Tomo: I'm not saying he's bad. : I just think it would be better not to get too deeply involved... Chitose: /But!/ : /But!!/ Tomo: There are other good people! I'm sure of it. Shall we go to a goukon? Hm? Let's do it!! [note: 'goukon' - a party of students from different schools. girls go with their girl friends and guys go with their guy friends. A huge match-making bash.] Tomo: There will be lots of cool guys. Hm? Chitose: /Yamato-san!!/ restaurant signs from left to right: tsukune (chicken or fish meatloaf made w/ egg), yakitori (fried chiken), kawa (side dish), ?? (), sasami (), ? kids: All right! Cheers! *cheers!* Chitose: /Ahhhh! Geez~~!/ *yay yay* ?: These seats are great for switching, hm? Chitose: /I don't want to be here doing this!/ Pg 24 Chitose: /I would rather be out finding out the truth right now!/ Guy: _That girl is making such a face. What's wrong?_ Tomo: Hey now, Chitose! Talk to everyone! : Chitose! Chitose: /But what should I do? Who could I ask?/ Tomo: ! Ah! voice: _Did you bring the money--?_ Chitose: /Can I talk about it?/ Tomo: Hold up! Chitose! Yoko! voice: Yoko, look. Yoko! *shocked* Chitose: /Yamato-san./ Pg 25 Chitose: /Why is he here?!!/ Tomo: What will you do? Go home? Chitose: /Uwah! Uwah! Uwa~~h!/ : /What should I do? What would be best?/ : /Go? Should I leave?/ voice: THE KING GAME! girl?: Whichever straw. *yay yay yay* guy?: Uwah-! We're second. _Straws at a time like this?_ guy?: Whoever gets the broken one treats at the end of the night. ?: Seriously-? I don't have any money! Pg 26 Guy: Okay! I'm king! *heart* girl: _No way! This is a big disaster!_ guy: Let's see... Number five has to give numer two : a kiss!! Chitose: /Whuzzuh?/ *perk* guy: Okay! Yamato-is number 5, of course!! girl: Kya! No way! I'm number 2!! Chitose: /Whuzzuh?/ Pg 27 Yamato: All right... Ten bucks for one. Girl: No waay! 10 bucks? That's cheap! girl2: I'll pay! I'll pay! Me too! ?: No way! Idioooot. Pg 28 Chitose: NO! : That kind of a kiss is strange! girl: What's with her? Yamato: Chitose!? Chitose: Yamato-san, you idiot! : What is with this?! *gya* *fling* Pg 30 Chitose: /I don't want to hand you over to anyone./ : If it's not with someone you love it's no good. : /I've already fallen in love./ : I love you, so I did it. Pg 31 Chitose: And I'll do it again! But- : /I won't give up!/ : I will never pay you money!!