Houkago Hokenshitsu MIZUSHIRO Setona Ch 3 .P 115 Houkago Hokenshitsu [The Nurse's Office After School] Chapter 3 .P 116 Sou’s Echo: “You” : “are a woman, aren't you?” Mashiro: …..How do you know that, Sou? Sou: Before, there..... .P 117 Sou: Why did you kiss Fujishima? Mashiro: …Wha-?! Sou: You did it in the courtyard when you were there with Fujishima. What are you doing? Mashiro: Why not!? : I’m a man! What’s strange about it!? Sou: “I’m a man” : you say? .P 118 Sou: That’s the first reason that comes to mind? : The usual response would be: “Because I love her”, wouldn’t it? Ma: ………..! Sou: From what I could see, you are very much a woman. You can say you’re a man all you like, but it’ll never feel completely right. : What? Are you a lesbian? Do you understand what you’re doing? Ma: Wha-! : I’m NOT a woman! I’m a man!! : So I can… …Kureha and I… *BANG* .P 119 Sou: So that’s why? Did you kiss Fujishima to prove you were a man? : You think it’s something you can decide? You think kissing a woman will make you a man? : Then what will happen if you kiss a man? Ma: …I won’t! I won’t kiss any man!! Sou: It’s not “I won’t”, If you GET kissed, then what…?! .P 120 *FLUTTER RUSTLE* Ma: ……..! ………! *SLAM* .P 121 Ma: ……….! ………….! : Mn… ………..!! : !! .P 122 *ding* *slap* *bam* *step step step* *pound pound pound* *pound pound pound* *trip* *gasp* .P 123 * gasp gasp gasp gasp* *badump badump* * gasp gasp* *badump* * gasp* Ma: [THAT BASTARD!] .P 124 : [Just like before] : [I couldn’t do anything.] : [It would be better if he forcibly knocked me down, but] : [I was powerless.] : [Then, I must….] : [be a girl…..] : [after all….] Kureha: …kun. : Mashiro-kun! .P 125 *gasp* Ma: Oh… Kureha. Ku: Is this a bad time? Ma: No… What is it? Ku: Well… I made pound cake in cooking class. <3 I brought it in case you might want to eat it. <3 *See!* Ma: …………………………………… Ku: Wh- What’s wrong?! Do you hate cake!? Ma: …… No. : I was just thinking how cute you looked. .P 126 *COUGH* Girl: Heeey! Wait a minute! *Kyaa* Girl2: He said “how cute <3” in public!! Ma: Eh? Ah? Eh? Ku: Kya Girl3: What is with this STUpid Couple?! *Iyaa!* Sou: ……… Ma: Delicious! .P 127 Ma: Wow, I can’t believe you made this. Ku: Stop it! I made it in class! My group made it together! Ma: And? What did you do? Ku: Let’s see…I mixed the eggs in! <3 And, um… While it was cooking I kept watch. <3 : Hm…? I did some other things too…. Umm… : What~? You think I didn’t do anything! *Wrong!* Ma: No. I was thinking that you’ve softened. .P 128 : Your eyes sparkle : and your hair is soft and floating, and goes well with the ribbons : and you’re short and dainty and cute. : If I had been born looking like you, Kureha, : I wonder if perhaps being a woman wouldn’t be so bad after all… Ku: Eh?! What’s so great about being short? Ma: I’m 170 centimeters, you know? A giant woman like that isn’t attractive. Ku: *Eeh?* Don’t insult yourself. You’d be a great woman! Ma: No way. Absolutely not. I’m all angles and bones….. Ku: Can you decide something like that—your own sex? .P 129 *heart beat* Mem-Sou: “You think it’s something you can decide?” Ma: ----------……… Ku: But that’s fine. I…. want you to be a man. : The only man I could ever love : is you, Mashiro-kun. : …only…… you…… .P 130 Ma: ….That…. *heart beat* .P 131 *squeeze* : That kiss was disgusting….! It was….!! *heart beat* *heart beat* Ku: ..….Mashiro-kun… Ma: Hm? Ku: Your heart is beating so hard : I can hear it. *blush* .P 132 Ma: ……… I’m sorry……. Ku: ……. Why are you apologizing? Sou: ….Sis again…. Putting things here. *rustle* .P 133 Letter: Suddenly kissing someone like that; it’s not like you, Sou. : That’s too bad. : Ichijou Mashiro won’t come within a meter of you now. : Although I told you not to pay attention to that child, why didn’t you do what your big sister told you? Ichijou Mashiro is impossible for you. Girls: The Idiot Couple is back! : We saaaaw you! *kya* *kya* : You two were kissing, weren’t you? : Making out in the schoolyard … unbelievable! Letter: I’ll look for a girl that suits you. : Sou, do as I say now, like you always have. .P 134 [[Note: The following section was dropped from the tankoubon, but I think they're cute, so I'm leaving them in the translation.]] || DROP ME A LINE!! || I really love randomly naming the Mainecoon cats that are sold at the neighborhood pet store. It's always lonely to see them go... Contact: Setona Mizushiro-Sensei Princess Henshubu, Akita Shoten 2-10-8 Iidabashi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-8108 Japan *crumple* Girl: *Seeing it is embarrassing!!* Girl: *Yeah!* Ku: *giggle* Girl: You! *whirl* .P 135 Ma: "What a silly child you are, really too silly," said the nun. "I can't be sure I will last out the day, : and here you are worrying about sparrows. : I've told you so many times that it's a sin to put birds in a cage. Come here." : The child knelt down beside her. NOTE: //The reading is from the 5th chapter of "Tale of Genji": Wakamurasaki (Young Lavender). I used Seidensticker's translation. http://firth.oucs.ox.ac.uk/mirrors/genji/genji.english.txt// .P 136 : She was charming, with rich, un-plucked eyebrows and hair pushed childishly back from the forehead. How he would like to see her in a few years! : And a sudden realization brought him close to tears: the resemblance to Fujitsubo, for whom he so yearned, was astonishing. Girl: Did you hear the rumor? That Mizuhashi-kun broke up with Kurano-san? Sou: ... You can say it as pompously as you want, but I didn't think we were going out...... Girl: Ahaha! That's harsh, Mizuhashi-kun! .P 137 Girl: ...Then.... If it's alright, why don't you go out with me? Sou: Why? Girl: "Why?" ..... I've always thought you were great. Sou: Liar. : You just want the other girls to chatter about you, right? : To get respect for being the one who won. Girl: What?!... That's... Sou: Girls really are all frivolous. Sizing up men and things, and competing with girls over dates. : All you do is gossip. .P 138 Sou: Women really irritate me. Girl: ...What...?! That should be my line! You unprincipled womanizer...!! Sou: ..... I wanted to make myself fall in love with someone... ....I couldn't : .......... ........... ......... But I already Girl: Eh? What? What did you say? .P 139 Sou: I've fallen in love with a woman. : So I don't want anyone else. Ku: Ah! ..... I forgot my notebook in the classroom. : Wait a minute! I'll be right back. <3 : Sure. .P 140 *zoku* *shiver* .P 141 Ma: [Her face doesn't match] : [that of the girl who I saw there,] : [But aren't I the only one whose appearance doesn't change in that basement classroom? Even Kureha is changed.] : [I'm sure it's Midori-san.] : [...And other students. They all...] .P 142 *blush* : [Sou!] : [Another girl again...!!] : [Messing around with girls right and left -- what's he thinking?] .P 143 : [Doing /that/ to me!] Ku: Mashiro-kun! <3 Sorry for making you wait! <3 : ? What's wrong? Ma: Nothing... Let's go! Ku: .....? .P 144 Ma: [It shook me this much.] : [It shouldn't have! Not unless I was a woman!] : [What should I do?] : [When I go to the basement nurse's office tomorrow] .P 145 : [I will definitely not make a spectacle of myself in a woman's shape again!!] sign: Kendo Club Room *rattle* Kuro: Oh? Ichijou. : What is it? .P 146 Ma: I'm sorry. I dropped out for selfish reasons. : Only coming when it's convenient....... Kuro: No problem. : I'm happy when you show up and few club members came today. I'll pair up with you whenever you'd like. Ma: I like the atmosphere in the dojo. : There's a feeling that calms my soul. .P 147 *swish* Ma: I : want to become a man with a pure soul. : Straight-forward, strong, resolute. : I want to be an honorable man.... .P 148 *ding dong* : Bye, I'm going ahead! : See you! .P 149 Letter: Ichijou Mashiro won’t come within a meter of you now. *ignored* .P 150 Ma: ...Are you going to the nurse's office, Sou? Sou: None of your business. Remembered-nurse: "And how did he do it?" : "If you lose in the dream, it is because your soul is weak." .P 151 Ma: ...Sensei. : If I have a strong soul, will I win in the Dream? : Even though I'm unarmed and my opponent is a mass of steel. Nurse: You'll win. : When you become a boy. *ding dong* Ma: [I won't lose this time!] .P 152 : [Absolutely...!] *DONG* Ch 3/END