Houkago Hokenshitsu by MIZUSHIRO Setona Chapter 13 Translation by Jen http://ttreasures.caithion.net ----------------------------------- .P 01 Mashiro: I won't flinch. : This time : I will not flinch. .P 02-03 Color & 50 pages A story centered around an unpredictable love!! ........... A fascinating gender game Houkago Hokenshitsu Setona Mizushiro Mashiro was ready to face Sou. But Shinbashi witnessed the two kissing!! Volumes 1 and 2 of "Houkago Hokenshitsu" are really popular sellers<3<3 .P 04 .P 05 Sou: ........... : What's that look for? Mashiro: What? Sou: ...I've never seen that expression on someone's face after I've kissed them before. .P 06 Mashiro: I took it and I'm still standing. Sou: ... What? Ma: I won't run off in haste again. If that's how you come at me, I'll stand and take it. Sou: ...It's a battle? Between you and I? Ma: Of course! : I won't ever lose to you, Sou. Sou: .......... .P 07 Sou: .... When you look at me like that : I only like you more and more. *blush* Ma: .....Ah, I see. I see...... : I have to remember the kind of guy you are. : I'll make sure what kind of guy you are with my own eyes. .P 08 *batan* *shut* Ma: [I won't lose! I didn't lose!! *Probably*] : [I won't be pushed one more step. I'll face him...] .P 09 Ma: ............... : ......... : Um..... Shinbashi.... : You didn't, just now..... see... anything, did you? Shinbashi: .....Oh..... No..... : I .P 10 *KURU* *SPIN* : I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING. Ma: [He clearly saw something.] : Shinbashi, Wai- Hold....... Uh..... Shin: ......... Ma: .............. .P 11 Shin: Sorry.... I........ didn't realize at all that there was such a serious condition, Ichijou. : While I was all steamed up over Fujishima-san......... : you were also caught up in trouble you couldn't tell anyone else about. I'm so insensitive... I'm sorry... Ma: [He is definitely making a mistake. *With one glimpse it probably seems right, but-*] : Shinbashi, hang on a minute! : You've got it wrong!! There's a lot of deeper reasons- Shin: I understand. You don't have to say any more. I won't tell anyone, so don't worry... .P 12 *DA* *RUN* Ma: Wai-...! Shinbashi!! Wait!! : Listen to me!! It's a misunderstanding!! *dadadada* *runrunrunrun* Ma: Wait!! : Wait!! Wait!! .P 13 *Haaa* *sigh* Kureha: What's wrong, Mashiro-kun? You look exhausted... Ma: Uh.... Nah....... : [In Shinbashi's head right now, I'm........ *gaaan* *dark* But... I told him he made a mistake. He doesn't know about my body yet...] .P 14 : [Since it's Shinbashi, if I took the time to tell him he'd listen seriously, but....] : [I don't want to say it......] : [That even now....... this body..... is half female...] Ku: ........ Mashiro-kun, are you all right? *ha* *gasp* Ma: Oh! Yeah, sorry. .P 15 : It's nothing. Just thinking I don't feel up to afternoon classes. .P 16 Shin: About that, I calmed down and thought about it carefully. : First, I must take it back. I'm sorry, I did see. : I was .... stunned all day, and my mind went blank... : I understand your situation well. Ma: *No... Um...* Shin: Your attitude towards Fujishima-san has always been somewhat indecisive, and if I look at it that way it becomes clear. Ma: ...... Shin: But, it's not a problem of which propensity you'll let rule you. : The problem is... do you really love Fujishima-san, even a little? Do you think she's important, or not? Ma: ..... .P 17 Ma: [*"Propensity".... He really did misunderstand...*] *GAAAAN* *DAARK* Shin: For example..... if you're using Fujishima's feelings as a disguise, I... Ma: NO!! It's not like that!! : I want to protect Kureha. : The violent Kureha and the gentle Kureha, I want to be with her through both...... : Because....... I'm a man, I don't want to let that feeling slip away.............. .P 18 : ....Only, I admit... I'm wavering.......... : My self-confidence is wavering. : It used to be a problem of Kureha or Sou. : Which road should I choose? ...There's probably still some time before I have to make up my mind : But.............. .P 19 Shin: If Sou is such a serious problem, there's nothing that I can say..... : It's a serious crossroad for you. Of course you'll get a little lost; I can't blame you. : ............. But..... : But what can I think of Mizuhashi Sou? I knew he was a womanizer, but I didn't know he went as far as men... *I guess he's aggressively following along from his last lifestyle.* He definitely can't make you happy. : I can't tell you about Fujishima-san, because I won't say anything bad about her..... Ma: .......... .P 20 Kureha: Sorry to call you so suddenly... Is now a good time...? Shinbashi: Ah- of course! You're never a problem, and, uh.... Ku: ...... Shin: Um... Did something happen again with Ichijou? : Didn't you manage to patch things up? Ku: ........ : It's nothing.... really.... .P 21 : It's nothing. We didn't fight... There's nothing wrong right now. : Nothing happened, but something is strange....... I feel like Mashiro-kun is so far away........ : What should I do? : If we were fighting we'd make up and everything would go back to how it was. But when nothing's wrong, what can I do.........? : ...Pretend I haven't noticed and simply keep on smiling......? Shin: ...................... Ku: .... .P 22 : I'm sorry. Here I am forcing this story on you and there's nothing to be done, is there? Shin: No. It isn't..... Ku: I'm sorry. : I'm going now. Thanks for listening. Good night... *pu* .P 23 Ma: [Tomorrow] : [What will I say to Sou?] : [What will I ask him......?] .P 24 : ...Sou... : What made you want to do kendo? Sou: ....... My sister told me to. Ma: Huh? Sou: She said, "Kendo is cool!" Ma: .......... Ohhhh...... : I get it now. You're a sister's boy, Sou. Sou: I won't deny it. .P 25 Sou: Well, for me, holding a sword and fighting seemed like something a boy should want to do. Kuro-Sempai: Good morning. A scarcely-seen member and a former member, this is an interesting sight. Sou: Good morning. Ma: Good morning... *Sorry for intruding...* : .......I want to get a look at her, Sou. Your sister. All you do is praise her, so she must be beautiful. Sou: ...If there's an opportunity, I'll introduce you. She is pretty. .....But... .P 26 : I think she's a little scary... Ma: ...? Sou: Sempai. Kuro: Hm? Sou: When you first started kendo were you ever discouraged? How can I put it... Like, with all the bowing and formality? Kuro: Yes, I'd say so. .P 27 : You couldn't just jump right into a swordfight; how boring. Sou: Just what I thought... Well, if the president thought so, then I guess it's alright if I do too. Ma: What are you saying? Kuro: *Well, I guess if you're so compatible with the president, then you'll do for the next president.* Sou: *I'm sorry? I didn't quite catch-* Kuro: *Yes, you'll do for the next president.* Sou: *Sorry?* : *No way. Please think of someone else...* .P 28 [[Note: Copy machines tend to be kept in separate, small, copy rooms in Japanese schools.]] *GAAAA* *copy machine* *gaaaa* *gara* *door opening* Ku: ....! .P 29 Shin: Ah..... Hi.... Ku: ...Don't come any closer!! .P 30 Ku: .......I'm sorry........ Sorry....... Shin: No, I understand. : I won't come any closer, so don't worry. I won't close the door either. : I won't crowd you, and I definitely won't do anything. : So don't worry. .P 31 Ku: ....I'm sorry........ Really...... Shin: Anytime anything happens, call me. : It doesn't have to be anything. If you need to, call anytime. : I'll always be there, and I'll listen to whatever you have to say. .P 32 : I want to do whatever I can for you. .P 33 *gasa* *rustle* .P 34 Ma: [We only talked a little] : [But that's a side of him that I've never seen before.] .P 35 : [So calling it a... profitable experience.] : [And wanting to gain more precious memories like this.] : [Are these a woman's feelings?] : [I don't know.] : [But I don't want to be pushed to the edge] : [Not anymore.] .P 36 : [Eyes closing] : [Eyes opening] : [That's how I am right now.] : [That's the real-...] *kon kon* *knock knock* Ma: ...Yes? Sou: .... : It's me. .P 37 Ma: [SOU!] *gaba* *jerking up* *basa* *rustle* Ma: Wh-what is it!? : Hold, hold on! *atafuta atafuta* *feverish haste* *gacha* *click* .P 38 *ha ha* *heavy breathing* Sou: .......What are you breathing so heavy for? Ma: It-It's nothing! : But I should be asking you what you want, coming to my room all the sudden. *suta suta* *briskly* Sou: ...... Ma: And just casually sauntering inside!! : Sou!! What is it!? Sou: I wanted to see your face. .P 39 Ma: ...What's that supposed to mean?! You saw me all the time at lunch and around school. : Why is it suddenly necessary for you to come all the way over here to see me? Sou: How many times do I have to say "I like you", for this girl? Ma: What do you mean "this girl"!? Cut it out!! .P 40 Ma: What is it, Sou? : What do you want with me? Sou: "What"? Ma: That's what I'm asking you!! Sou: Huh? Ma: What? Do you want to go out with me? Sou: HUH? .P 41 Ma: "Huh"?!! What's with that expression!!? Sou: *Go out...* : Uh... Wasn't expecting to get hit with the words "go out"... Ma: What the hell? Then what exactly do you want to do with me!? Sou: "Want to do"...... : Do you need to ask a guy that? Ma: Huh? || DROP ME A LINE!! || Lately, my obsession has been cheesecake. I've been trying them here and there. I like the rich and fresh type. Contact: Setona Mizushiro-Sensei Princess Henshubu, Akita Shoten 2-10-8 Iidabashi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-8108 Japan .P 42 *ka* *blush* Ma: Huuuuuuh!? *ahahahaha* *ahahaha* *gaya gaya gaya* *sounds of gabbing outside the door* .P 43 Sou: Can I touch you? .P 44 Ma: N-NO!! Sou: I get it. *I was just asking.* Ma: ........F... : Fine. I don't care. : Only my top half. : I don't care if you touch me. I'm a boy. .P 45 Sou: ............... "Taking it and still standing"? *ki* *nod* Ma: ......That's right. .P 46 .P 47 Ma: No. That's enough! Sou: I won't touch below.... Ma: Even so, no more! Sou: Why? Because you're losing? .P 48 Ma: [I thought he'd piss me off.] : ["This perv!" But...] .P 49 : [Touching directly like this.] : [I can read his intentions.] : [I felt that I understood] : [That we were so very close.] .P 50 *hyoo* *wind howling* *kasa* *rustle* *pasa* *flutter* Letter: Sou, I'm worried about you. What are you hoping for with Ichijou? You're going to be betrayed. # The two are rapidly coming together. But what is that shadow...!? Continued in the September issue released on August 6th.