Houkago Hokenshitsu by MIZUSHIRO Setona Chapter 15 Translation by Jen http://ttreasures.caithion.net ----------------------------------- .P 01 Sou: ...If : you ever change your mind and feel that you want to become a woman, : I... Houkago Hokenshitsu Setona Mizushiro Sou: [My body is becoming hot, and I can't move.] *gacha* *click* .P 02 : [I can't move.] ........... A fascinating gender game Chapter 15 Houkago Hokenshitsu .P 03 Mashiro has entrusted his body to Sou. After this, can he ever go back.....!? .P 04 *kon kon* *knock knock* .P 05 Shinbashi: Ichijou? : Are you there? *gaba* *jerking upright* Ma: [SHINBASHI!] Sou: Leave him... Ma: B-! Sou: I locked it, it's fine. Shin: Ichijou? Ma: ......... Shin: [I guess he's not here...] Ma: No.... Wai- Wait a mi... *ga* *bump* .P 06 *dosa dosa dosa* *thump thump thump* *gashan* *THUNK* Shin: ...Ichijou? You there? : Are you OK!? *gacha gacha* *rattle rattle* Ma: Wait'a'minute!! I'm coming!! .P 07 *GII* *CREAK* *BATAN* *SLAM* Ma: Sorry. We were throwing things around a bit. : Did you need something? .P 08 Ma: *heavy breathing* Shin: *....* : Nothing. *kuru* *spin* : It looks like I was interrupting. Sorry. Ma: Eh? ...Wai- Uhm... : ............. Shin: ...What we were talking about in the cafeteria... I felt like I had imagined things, so I came to apologize... : But it seems like things would have been fine even if I hadn't. .P 09 : Right now, Fujishima-san is thinking about you. : While she's thinking about you, you're indulging in some obscenity with Mizuhashi. : Don't you think that's unfair to her!? Ma: ......... Yes.... .P 10 Shin: Hypocrite Prince. : Love, by nature, is a selfish thing. : When you want to do something, if you seriously want it, you don't have to think about who it might be hurting. : So why do you look so guilty...?! : ............ Enough. I've already forgotten what I saw earlier. Ma: ...Shinbashi.....! .P 11 Shin: I've forgotten it. *gacha* *click* .P 12 *batan* *shut* Ma: ...Why are you still here...!? Sou: "Why"? : We didn't finish. Ma: Idiot! What are you saying!? : As if we would! Don't be ridiculous!! Sou: If no one had come along then, you intended to continue, didn't you? : So whether someone's come or not doesn't mean a thing. : Or have your feelings changed? : I'm very serious about it. .P 13 : Were you just going to let the mood carry you along? Ma: Stop it! That's...! : That's taking advantage of a weakness in someone's heart, and letting them get carried away! I've told you!! Sou: That's right. Your wavering carried you away into something good. : For an instant when you seemed to be holding out your hand to me, and I thought to make you mine. What's wrong with that? .P 14 Sou: I think it's fine if you blame it all one me. What's wrong with it? : Come here. : Lock the door. .P 15 Rem-Shin: Love, by nature, is a selfish thing. : When you want to do something, if you seriously want it, you don't have to think about who it might be hurting. : "So why do you look so guilty...?!" Ma: I get it! It's my fault. : It's not your fault, Sou, it's mine!! .P 16 : I get it, so stop. I'm begging you. : Get out.....! : I'm begging you........! .P 17 Kureha: ...And then ......... said...... did : ....... and.......... you know? : Mashiro-kun, what do you want? Ma: ----..... Kureha: ...Geez! Mashiro-kun!! Ma: Ah! ...Sorry... Ku: Lately you're always spacing out, and you never listen!! Ma: Sorr... Uhm... : Um... Yeah, last night I didn't get much sleep... and... *sorry, sorry* .P 18 Ku: You know, we asked the dormitory lady if we could borrow the kitchen to make boxed lunches. I'll make you a lunch. What do you want in it? Ma: Ah... Uuum... Uuuum..... Anything is fine... I like everything. Ku: "Anything" is no good! : *Geeez!* Well then, how about a croissant sandwich?! : What do you want in it!? Ma: Eh... Uh... Ku: And don't say "anything"!! Ma: *I can't?* .P 19 Shin: Sorry for calling you.... Uhm... You see, I was worried...... : Fujishima-san... in front of Ichijou you just seem to be trying so hard to force a smile. : I wondered if you were alright? Ku: ........... Force..... : ............ : ............... .P 20 Ku: Yes... I was. : No matter what, I have to try. : Because right now I can't cry or get angry. : The smiling me is...... the most preferable... probably...... : If I keep trying, then surely : someday..... Shin: ......... .P 21 : ....Yes, that's right. : If you keep that up.... thing's will get better. : Sorry for not minding my own business. : If you keep trying, like water flowing.... Ku: ..... Yes. : It'll be fine. : Shinbashi. : Thank you. .P 22 : Because someone noticed, I feel like my efforts paid off. Shin: ....... Ku: I- Really- : I don't really want Mashiro-kun to see me smiling. : I really : want him to notice how hard I'm working to smile. .P 23 : I'm a bad woman. : He doesn't notice, but someday he will. : So he won't come to love me. Becasue I'm a bad woman..... Shin: That's not true...! You're not bad! : You're not bad, Fujishima-san. : Not even a doll could be as beautiful as you; it's proof! : If you want a wish to come true, you come to use sly tactics, anything. If you love someone, you can't help it. .P 24 : I'm sure the time will come when you'll get Ichijou. : Don't worry. For sure.... : I .... .P 25 *GON GON GON* *DONG DONG DONG* Ma: Kureha, let's go to the cafeteria. Ku: Ah... Um. : Uh. .P 26 : I'm sorry. I promised everyone today. We have a presentation after lunch, so we're going to have a meeting... Girls: But we said it's alright, Kureha-! You can leave it to us. Kureha: It's fine! Let's go. .P 27 *fui* *turn* Ma: [What am I doing?] : [It's because I'm wavering] : [I'm causing both Kureha and Sou pain.] .P 28 : [I have to throw away my other half. I can't hold onto my other half any more.] : [I know that,] : [so why can't I throw it away?] .P 29 *GON GON* Shin: ...Ichijou...... Nurse: Shinbashi Kazuyuki-kun. Shin: ....Yes? .P 30 Nurse: I have something important to talk to you about. I wondered if you could perhaps come with me to the nurse's office. Shin: .....? What is it? What talk....? Nurse: Follow me. This way. Shin: ........................Yes, ma'am....... .P 31 .P 32 Nurse: every time you come your expression is different. : It's interesting. Ma: ...So much happens in one week. You're lucky, Sensei. : If something ever worried you, you'd just smile your way through it... .P 33 : Sensei. : Please teach me the "correct way". : The correct answer, where "if you do this, you can't go wrong". : Please teach me. Nurse: Even I don't know that. : You can become an adult without knowing it. .P 34 Nurse: ......So much happens. My head and my heart are all muddled. : Everyday is so full, I feel like time can't be moving forward. : That's how it was for me. But it can't go on forever. : The end always comes. : In whatever form... *GON* .P 35 : Good night. *GON* *GON* : Good luck. .P 36 .P 37 *buruburuburu* *vibrating ring tone* *buruburuburu* *buruburuburu* *buruburuburu* *buruburuburu* *buruburuburu* Ma: [That's] : [Kureha's seat.] : [Why is my cell phone......?] .P 38 || DROP ME A LINE!! || On September 16th, volume 3 will be released. If you spot it in the bookstore, please buy it! Contact: Setona Mizushiro-Sensei Princess Henshubu, Akita Shoten 2-10-8 Iidabashi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-8108 Japan *buruburuburu* *buruburuburu* *buruburuburu* *buruburuburu* *pi* *beep* : ....................... : Hello......? .P 39 Phone: ............. : ........ Ma: ...Who is this...!? Phone: -----.............. : ........... : Ichijou. : Fujishima-san is... on the first floor. Go to her....... .P 40 Ma: [SHINBASHI] : Why are you..... Shinbashi. : Why......!? : Why are you in the Dream!? : .......You can't have been participating all this time.....!? Shin: No... Ichijou........ .P 41 Ma: WHERE ARE YOU, SHINBASHI? : SHOW YOURSELF...!! Shin: ........ : ...... : I......am....... .P 42 Ma: *scream* *gashan* *clatter* *pan* *shatter* .P 43 Ma: [BODY TEMPERATURE.] Shin: Ichijou..... : Help Fujishima-san....... .P 44 Ma: [SHINBASHI.] : [THIS IS SHINBASHI'S FORM.] # Shinbashi has joined them in the Dream at last... What will Mashiro do!? Continued in the November issue released on October 6th.