Houkago Hokenshitsu by MIZUSHIRO Setona Chapter 16 Translation by Jen http://ttreasures.caithion.net ----------------------------------- .P 01 Mashiro: [Shinbashi.] : [This is Shinbashi's form.] .P 02-03 ........... A fascinating gender game Chapter 16 Houkago Hokenshitsu .P 04 Shinbashi: [Help] : [Fujishima-san.] .P 05 .P 06 Mashiro: ........I....... I'm... sorry... Shinbashi............. : You surprised me, so I dropped you........... Shinbashi: No... It didn't really hurt when you dropped me. : But it was quite a shock when I hit. .....Well, no help for it...... Ma: Sorry...... Shin: ....No. .P 07 Shin: And I- That...... : Your appearance is really surprising, Ichijou.............. : N-...! Uh- : This is- : Hold on a minute; the situation'll take a while to explain. In other words, this's....... I'm actually- .P 08 Shin: No, I can tell by looking; you don't have to say anything. I understand clearly. : I don't discriminate against people because of their inclinations, don't worry. ...And I've been expecting this conversation. Ma: [I don't know how you're interpreting this, but let me talk!] : That's why I'm saying, uh-! Shin: More importantly, Ichijou... : Help Fujishima-san. It seems like... someone is after her on the 1st floor. Ma: [Kureha.] : .......Understood. I'll go. Shin: Ah, wait. They're moving. : It'd be better if you went quickly down the opposite stairwell. .P 09 Ma: Can you see Kureha's form? Shin: I can't see her actual shape...... I just know where she is. I could feel it clearly as soon as I entered the Dream. "She's here." Ma: A guy with the "power of love", huh? ....But, Shinbashi : That is...... Kureha's form here : I think you'll get a shock when you see it. So you should.... prepare yourself..... Shin: ------------..... It's all right. *ga* *step* : I can imagine. : She'll be small, venomous, aggressive : and sad. And even so, I think she must be innocent.... .P 10 *GI* *CREAK* Shin: Wah, it's armor! Ma: Is that all you can say? : You know about Kureha, but you didn't know what was going on over here!? .P 11 Shin: Sorr... My head's really full of Fujishima-san... *BU* *SWISH* *GOTSU* *SMASH* *ga* *thunk* Ma: Da-! *gasha* *clank* .P 12 *BUN* *SWISH* Armor: ......You should pull out your swords, like you always do. : I'll give you a lingering death after we've had a bout. .P 13 Ma: [The way to get to him] : [isn't to fight him blindly.] : [I already know another way.] .P 14 *BAN* *BANG* Armor: .....!? What... are you going to do....? : What... .P 15 Ma: [Imagine] : [going inside him.] : [Imagine sinking deep into his heart.] : [Gropping for that thing in the depths and grabbing hold.] : [Imagine.] *zubu* *swoosh* .P 16 Voice: .......Li ......... sten... .P 17 : ...closely to what Uwane-san says...... : Do exactly what he says. : Exactly.... Armor: STOP!! *pan* *shatter* : DON'T LOOK!! STOP!! DON'T LOOK!! *pashi* *shatter* *ga* *clench* .P 18 *pan* *shatter* *boro* *crumble* .p 19 Ma: Sorry, Shinbashi... Are you all right? Shin: I'm fine. I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything. : I don't really know anything, but you're strong, Ichijou. Ma: No, I'm not. I don't understand either...... Shin: More importantly, Fujishima-san is... near the entrance. : It seems like she's being followed.... Ma: I'll hurry. *zuba* *strike* .P 20 *zuru* *slither* *sha* *rush* Kureha: ......!! : -Ck! *zu zu* *slide slide* : Nnn...!! : N..... *zu* *slide* : .....! !! .P 21 *zu* *slide* *zuru* *slither* *zuba* *strike* *pan* *shatter* *buzu* *strike* .P 22 *gachan* *clatter* *fui* *whoosh* *ha ha* *heavy breathing* Ma: Kureha...! : Kureha!! Are you all right!? .P 23 Ku: Mashiro...ku... Ma: .....! A Key.....!! Ku: You CAN'T! .... : Don't go! Don't disappear, please! .P 24 : Please.......! *butsu* *explode* *bishi* *twist* Ma: Wha-! : [Tree] : [branches...!?] .P 25 Ku: No........ What is this......?! *zuru* *slither* *zu* *slide* : I...I'm... why.......? WHY!? *bitsu* *explode* : No, this, no! Ma: Kureha!! Ku: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *giri* *squeeze* Ma: I'm fine! It doesn't hurt or anything!! Calm down, Kureha...! *giri* *squeeze* Ku: I don't want to do this. : Why do I have this shape...? .P 26 .P 27 Ma: Kureha... Did you get that Key? Ku: NO...! I don't want it. I don't want to be separated from you. I don't want to go!! : Please, don't pick it up....! Mashiro-kun, don't go. : Please. : PLEASE........! Ma: ...Kureha.....! : [But you're so sad you're crying.] : [If you graduate] : [things will be easier......] : .....Kureha... Shin: ...Ichijou. .P 28 : I'll take up that Key. : I'll go. I'll leave this place. Ma: ....Are you serious? If you graduate, you'll never see me again! : Or Kureha....! Shin: I know. : But she won't pick up the key. And you can't be seperated from her. : I don't have... any reason to stay. So I'll go. .P 29 Ma: ....That's............ : ------.... If you... Shinbashi, you should : say something to Kureha... Shin: I won't. : I promised her I'd never get close to her. : She won't know this shape is me, and it's a dream...... but I can't violate my promise. : And : she doesn't need my words. .P 30 : Only you. : You're all that she needs. Only you. : Ichijou, you must : make Fujishima-san happy, somehow. : Don't let her heart get hurt like this. .P 31 : I know I'm selfishly deciding your life. : But I love Fujishima-san, so I'll say it for her sake. : Ichijou, if you're wavering, choose Fujishima-san. : She's no good without you. : You can be a hypocrite, you can be anything. If you're unsure, save her. .P 32 : I suppose this is my last request. : Somehow. : ...Now. .P 33 : Hold her. : Comfort her. : Goodbye, Ichijou. I'm depending on you. *mishi* *rustle* Ma: ...Kureha..... It's all right. : I'm not going anywhere. I'm here. .P 34 *gacha* *rattle* *bishi* *click* *GO* *CREAK* .P 35 *GOGOGO GO* *CREEEEAAAAAK* .P 36 *GOOOON* *GOOOON* *DING DONG* .P 37 *GOOON* *DONG* Nurse: Good morning, Mashiro-kun. : Welcome back. : It seems like some one has graduated. : ...Mashiro-kun? .P 38 .P 39 Ku: Mashiro-kun. : ...what's wrong? Your eyes are all red. *Like a rabbit* Ma: M-m..... I'm.... not sure..... : Right after I woke up I felt like there was something I had remembered. : But while I was crying I forgot what I was crying about..... Ku: Things like that happen when you're dreaming! Ma: That's..... true..... Ku: ...I'm sorry. Today I turned into another strange thing : and I did that to you..... .P 40 Ma: ...I told you. I'm not angry with you. Besides : it wasn't your fault. : It was mine. Because I hurt you, and caused you pain-----... : I'm sorry, Kureha. : ...Now : Let's go. .P 41 .P 42 Ma: [.......It seems....... quiet.] : [Did I eat dinner quietly like this every night?] .P 43 : [...What is this?] : [I feel strange.] || DROP ME A LINE!! || Suddenly, in the middle of a job, I got a huge interest in sumo. I'm cheering for Kotooshu. His loincloth with the Bulgarian Yogurt design is really great. Contact: Setona Mizushiro-Sensei Princess Henshubu, Akita Shoten 2-10-8 Iidabashi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-8108 Japan .P 44 : [My legs which have been wavering as I wandered around] : [seem to have been guided forward one straight step by a strong power.] : [As if someone has made my path for me.] .P 45 *konkon* *knock knock* Sou: Ichijou. ...Do you have a sec? Ma: ----------..... : Sure. *gi* *creak* .P 46 : Something you need? Sou: ...... No... : Somehow...... I felt uneasy. : I wondered if something had happened. : .......... Ma: ...Not really..... : Nothing. .P 47 : Was that all you had to say? : If you're finished, I'd like you to leave. Sou: ----------....... : Got it. : --------... What a beautifully indifferent attitude; completely different from before. .P 48 : I really don't get women. Ma: ...I'll ask you not to say something like that again. : I'm not a woman. .P 49 : Because no matter what you think, or what you say : I am a man. : So, Sou : I can't fall in love with you. .P 50 : Ever. # shinbashi's wish has caused Mashiro to reject Sou----!? Continued in the December issue released on November 5th.