|| Kreuz ||<
1 volume
Other manga on this site by TAKAGUCHI Satosumi: PINK, Shoubu wa Ji no... Un darou? SEVEN , Utsukushii Otoko
Yuguo goes so far as to completely destroy the pianos at Akira's school. Meanwhile, at school Akira is given into the tuition of a piano genius. The genius, however, sexually abuses him even as he teaches him.
Akira snaps and kidnaps Yuguo, changing the balance of power. Things just get darker from there on.
What I Thought:
I've had to create a new classification for her stories: fluffy angst. It is some of the most realistic soul-searching drama you will find out there. But she doesn't (usually) take her characters to the depths of self-destructive despair.
If you are having the best day of your life, this comic will cure you of it. It is dark and depressing and had me crying at the end. And it is wonderful. Really wonderful. Just be sure you're in a good mood to start.