|| PINK ||
3 volumes
Other manga on this site by TAKAGUCHI Satosumi: Kreuz, Shoubu wa Ji no... Un darou? SEVEN, Utsukushii Otoko
As the story progresses, Usaki (nicknamed "Usagi" or "Bunny" by Benio) loses his innocence about sex and about life. Benio is disgusted to find himself attracted to a boy ten years younger than himself. And then Usaki's father enters the scene. I cannot begin to describe this man. In fact, to do so would ruin some surprises. Let's just say that I have no idea how he managed to form such strange, twisted morals. He is my absolute favorite old letcher. I have a pin to prove it!
What I Thought:
I've had to create a new classification for her stories: fluffy angst. It is some of the most realistic soul-searching drama you will find out there. But she doesn't (usually) take her characters to the depths of self-destructive despair.
I loved PINK. In some ways, I enjoyed it more than Sakende Yaru ze! (which has been scanlated, if you want to sample her comics before buying). Usaki's naivete was rather unbelievable, but the way it shaped the story-lines, and how things changed when he finally got a clue were very interesting. And I loved Usaki-senior. I still have no clue how to classify this guy. Okay, I can't resist. Spoiler: Who goes to seduce their son's lover when their wife is in labor in the hospital? And does it so calmly? Who!?