|| Yarouze! ||
Let's Do It!
Other manga on this site by Satoru Ishihara: 38 Dousen, Afuresou na Pool, Charisma, Shounen wa Asu o Kurosu, Tokyo Boogie-Woogie, Watashi no Kakurega e Douzo
Eventually the truth comes out, but the two remain friends. Together they are determined to raise enough money to enter Kusanagi into the racing circuit. Their money-making scemes are always a complete circus. Plot points involve Kusanagi's parents' discouragement (due to his older brother's racing accident) and an old rival whom he is determined to beat.
In the second volume we learn that this old rival (Kouga) is the one indirectly responsible for his brother's accident. Kouga idolized Sou's brother and is haunted by the accident. He also wants Sou as his partner. But what are his real motives?
What I Thought:
I love Kusanagi and Fuwa. The amount of comedy just in their possessiveness of each other is explosive.